Frequently asked questions

What is Giving Day? 

Giving Day is a 36-hour celebration and fundraising challenge for the whole BGS Community, including Old Bristolians, parents, and friends throughout the world, inviting everyone to give what they can online through this dedicated platform. 

Pupils and staff, led by our Heads of House are organising a packed afternoon of activities and competitions which we will share on our BGS Giving Day website and through social media. 

With thousands of pounds to unlock in matched and challenge funding, it’s a day like no other and your gift will go even further than usual. It will be a transformational day of giving and it’s all about what we can achieve together. This year’s Giving Day will take place on 7-8 November 2023. We’re excited for you to join us! 

Why is a Giving Day different to any other day? 

Gifts made during this period will go even further than usual. Thanks to a very generous Old Bristolian, all donations will be matched pound for pound. There are also special donor challenges that will unlock additional funds from our donor once we achieve particular goals. Look at the Challenges page to see if your gift is eligible to unlock a further £30,000 and help us reach the total of £150,000. 

NB: For tax purposes, donors who participate in the giving challenges will be credited for their individual contribution only. 

What difference will my donation make? 

You gift will help change lives for bright and able children from all backgrounds who deserve a chance to shine at BGS.  

All gifts, of every size, will make a real difference. With thousands to unlock in matched and challenge funds, gifts go even further than usual. All gifts, of whatever size, add up and make a significant difference. Having a large number of donors encourages others to support us too, so we would love as many members of our community to participate in our Giving Day as possible. 

Where will the funds go?  

Every penny raised goes directly to support children through means-tested bursaries at BGS.  Whatever size of gift you feel comfortable with, it’s your participation that matters most. 

How can I make my gift? 

We’d love you to join in on 7-8 November, but we understand that your schedule might not allow you to participate during the Giving Day itself.  

There are several ways to make your gift, whether you’d like to give on the day or before it:  

During the Giving Day (7-8 November) 

  • Online: through our Giving Day platform (the site you’re currently on) 
  • By phone: +44 117 923 7037 
  • By post: Cheques made out to Bristol Grammar School Foundation can be sent to co/ Nadine Latte, Bristol Grammar School,  University Road, Bristol BS8 1SR.

Before the day:  

If you would like to make an early gift to our Giving Day, the best way to do this is through the ‘Give Early’ option on the platform.  

If you cannot give online, you can still give early by post (see above). Please be sure to indicate that your gift should support our Giving Day. 

Is my payment secure? 

Yes. All payments through our Giving Day website will be securely processed by a secure, off-site payment processor called Stripe 

Why is my payment not going through? 

We’re sorry that you’re having difficulty making your gift. Common errors include: 

  • Incorrect card details 
  • Postcode/zipcode is incorrect or doesn’t match the address linked to your card 

Please double-check the above before you contact us.  

If you continue to have problems making your gift please email us at or call +44 117 923 7037.   

I set up a recurring payment, what will show in the totaliser?  

Yes, the total of your direct debit payments for the duration of time selected will show up in the total raised on the website.  

Is there a minimum donation? 

The minimum online gift amount is £1.   

Can I claim Gift Aid on this donation? 

Yes! If you are a UK taxpayer and have paid as much Income Tax and/or Capital Gains tax as the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all your donations in that tax year, BGS can reclaim the basic tax rate (25%) on your gift, with no extra cost to you. So, for example, your donation of £100 will be worth £125. 

Can I donate tax-efficiently? 

Gifts from the USA: Tax-deductible contributions can be made via the British Schools and Universities Foundation America which is a 501c(3) tax-exempt organisation. If you make your gift via the BGS Giving Day platform and select ‘Donate in USD’ you will be directed to our US donation form. 

Gifts from European taxpayers: If you are a European resident, you may be able to maximise your gift through Transnational Giving Europe (TGE). If you’d like to make a tax-effective gift in support of our Giving Day, the best option is to give early and let us know. 

How can I help spread the word? 

Your support will make a huge difference to Bristol Grammar School’s Giving Day 2023. Post about our Giving Day using the hashtags #IamBGS and #BGSfamily on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram - and don’t forget to tag us! Make sure to tell your friends about this exciting day to get involved and make a difference. 

My question hasn’t been answered. How can I get in touch? 

Feel free to get in touch with Caitlin at or call +44 117 923 7037.